User description

The mumble team has released version 1.3.3 of the mumble voip application. This is a bug fix and a security version of the current and stable version 1.3.You can download the latest version from the european download page or from the github release page or from the windows viewer client or the program package control system.Replacements – in this versionClient- Fixed: chat window is invisible (zero height) (#4388) - fixed: processing of invalid packet sizes (#4394) - fixed: race condition leading to the loss of shortcuts (#4430) - fixed: the link in the "about the program" dialog box is now again easy to understand for yourself (#4454) - fixed: difficulties with the size in acl editor (#4455) - improved: pulseaudio now continuously samples at 48 khz (#4449)Server- Fixed: crash due to difficulties while using postgresql (#4370)- fixed: handling invalid packet sizes (#4392)Known issues- The overlay is blocked by battleyeye. An announcement was made to whitelist this film. - Overlay is blocked by trusted esports mode.Warning- The static server binary for linux uses an outdated version of openssl - see https://github.Com/mumble-voip/mumble/ questions/4001 for familiarization with detailed information. This warning applies only to the package we released with the name murmur-static_x86.